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[GET] Udemy - General PC Maintenance 2015

General PC Maintenance 2015

Learn ten steps to make your computer run faster and more efficiently and always performing at its best. 

Course Description

In this ONE hour live, on-line course your tutor will reveal:

  • The startling truth about computer maintenance – And why it is important for you to learn how to do it yourself
  • Ten tasks you should do regularly to ensure your PC or laptop runs at its best
  • Secrets ONLY 5% of computer users know that guarantees a fast PC every time

Why take this course?

Yes, you can do your own computer maintenance. Here are five reasons why you need to learn to do it yourself:

  • It saves you money – no more expensive trips to the techies
  • It will save you time – the techie has a lot to do and will either take your PC away, or be busy working on it, for a while
  • It will speed up your computer and extend its life
  • You will be in charge of your own computer and not have to rely on someone else to manage it for you
  • You learn some new skills

Course requirements

You will need a Personal Computer or a PC Laptop with windows 7 or 8. Students with earlier operating systems have found the course beneficial, but you need to be able to apply the differences yourself. You also need a headset with a microphone.
The course is co-written by an IT support veteran and a qualified teacher, each with 30 years' worth of experience.

What are the requirements?

  • You will need a Personal Computer or a PC Laptop with Windows 7 or 8.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 12 lectures and 25 mins of content!
  • Identify the ten tasks needed to speed up their computer and keep it running at its best performance
  • Learn new computer terms
  • Perform each of the ten tasks to speed up their computer
  • Impress their friends and family with their new knowledge!

What is the target audience?

  • students and small business owners should take this course to get to know their computers and to save money on expensive trips to the techies
  • This course is not for those already in IT or who have knowledge of computer maintenance


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